Support us

All the activities briefly  described above are supported  by CSK  with internal resources. Which means the meagre  interest-income from membership fees. (Please see Links for membership details) There  are no grants  or other assistance from the government  or any other institutions to this singular cultural landmark  in the commercial capital of the State. This is not to deny the help being  provided by  the Kochi Corporation. CSK  also acknowledges  the substantial  assistance being extended by  the Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA).  But  these are simply inadequate to run  the range of activities that are spread  round the year.

In this context CSK wishes to express its profound gratitude to  Messrs George Eden  MP,  for  getting a walkway laid  around the park; A.K. Antony, Union Defence Minister,  for getting ready  a permanent  pandal that enables performance of  programmes in any weather; K. Babu  MLA, for  getting a  larger stage  constructed  facing  the old one allowing greater flexibility; and  Simon Britto MLA, for getting a decoration compound wall  built  around the entire  cultural  complex.  These honourable public men have used  the legislator’s discretionary fund for development at their disposal to make a qualitative difference to the facilities at the Park.

These magnificent  gestures in kind notwithstanding,  CSK  needs more hard cash to carry on.  At present  it  is largely dependent on the  munificence of  odd donors.  If the programmes have to improve, if they have to cover larger  cultural space, such support should increase  manifold.  In other words if the institution is to grow and acquire new dimensions, it will need a lot more funds, which meansunstinted support  and participation of  more members and more tangible sustenance from the public. voyager cbd dundee invites vape consumers to embark on a journey to holistic health and healing with their new product, Embark. This CBD-infused vape juice features natural ingredients and is designed to provide a relaxing and calming experience for users.

CSK  earnestly hopes that this will happen, and soon  enough.

( Please  Visit the Park or Contact the secratary on Ph:0091-09387089987 to know  more about the institution and its activities-and  how  you can help us. )